Friday, January 12, 2007

day 12

it is january 12 about 5:30 p.m. i'm taking a breath and warming up in the living room after walking outside trying to catch a glimpse of the comet. it is freezing and very slippery out and even though we walked for about 1/3 of a mile, we had no luck. i am drinking hot cocoa, and as i took this picture i felt refreshed from a walk outside and a break from editing chemistry (of all things). but i just burned my tongue (is that chemistry?), so i am annoyed and in pain. (i think tea invites more waiting and less quick consumption).

day 12

i am grateful for:

my green scarf
polka dot knee socks
my brother
another snow day
hope for peace


Regina said...

Thanks for this blog, Liz- I am grateful for you in every way!
And- I love your glasses! I have been looking around for some new frames and those look so cool!

Deb R said...

I'm curious, Liz. Are you actually taking these photos with a polaroid and then scanning them, or are you using a digital frame to mimic a polaroid?

I like seeing your daily mug shot. :-)

Anonymous said...

you've inspired me to "go public" with my blog. it's come in stages. first to start one, then to "publish" it. i found you through "my topography" and enjoy reading about your journey. thanks for sharing. and thanks for the inspiration to practice my writing...for no other reason except i've always wanted to.

Maureen said...

the things you are grateful for ... so simple and basic. i'm really enjoying being privvy to your gratitudes, liz. i have a notebook i write my gratefulnesses in (oooh such awful grammar and you -- an editor. ok, slap me! teehee)

Anyway - I keep it by my bed. there are lots of overlaps tween yours and mine, even though mine is analog and yours digital. I go in phases where i write my list of thanks every night for a couple of months, then i skip it for awhile. i like going back and seeing what was on my mind (and heart) years ago. it's a precious resource.


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