Wednesday, January 17, 2007

day 17

it is january 17 around 3:55 p.m. settling in for more work with a cup of ginger tea, i take a moment to just breathe in the ginger scent and look at the window. jonatha brooke sings and as the song ends, i hear a robin sing out there in all that snow.

day 17

Today, I am grateful for:

emails from dear friends
the melting of the ice of our streets (not gone but getting there)
the opportunity to teach yoga
glasses of cold water
the night of sleep to come


turquoise cro said...

I LOVE that YOU are doing this! I should do it too! I'm always thinking in the shower and in bed how lucky I am to have water to shower in, let alone clean water to drink and a warm cozy bed to sleep in at night! with a roof over my head! Thanks! Liz! I like to come here and read this! xo, Cinda ps. sorry, your cup will be there sometime next week! I don't drive so it's hard to get a driver to take me! but I am working on it!!! Hopefully, it will be in tomorrow's mail!!! Sweet Dreams!

Colorsonmymind said...

Hi baby,
I have been so absent from blogging but this blog brought me peaceful feelings a smile and happiness. You look so beautiful in all the photos.

I am grateful for:

*my sweet 22 month old his laugh and snuggles
*having internet access-the other night we thought the wireless network wasn't working
*my camera
*that we had the money to do this frozen IVF cycle


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