Monday, January 29, 2007

day 27

it’s 11:30 p.m. on january 27. i sip decaf ganmai-cha and think about my day. a good day. friendship, creativity, brainstorming, color, laughter, sharing, all the good stuff. then an evening with millie and jonny. watching a movie, then all three of us settle into the little room. millie slept while jonny graded and i created stuff. a really good day. even though i sometimes wonder why the heck i am taking these pictures and I think about how they aren’t that great and how expensive the film is and how i hate how i look and how i don’t know how to take “artistic” polaroids and all that, i am grateful for the “forced” deep breath so that i can remember the good stuff.

day 27

i am grateful for home, beads, blue, a new moleskine daily planner, 27 days of ritual

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